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If you have any enquires, suggestions or comments about our company,
please feel free to contact us by the following addresses, numbers or emails.

Technicon Engineering Limited

Office Address:
Room I, J, K, 20/F, Block 4,
Golden Dragon Industrial Centre,
182-190 Tai Lin Pai Road,
Kwai Chung, N.T.
Hong Kong
Tel : (852) - 3193 1300 / Fax : (852) - 2481 1300
Website :
Email :

Service Department:
Room B,C, 20/F, Block 4,
Golden Dragon Industrial Centre,
182-190 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Chung,
New Territories, Hong Kong
Tel : (852) - 3193 1340 / Fax : (852) - 3193 1339